Sunday, March 25, 2012

I decide to randomly leave my life and wander around the world for a while.

Apparently I should keep a travel blog. So that later I can look back and laugh at how inept and silly I was when I was 23.
For some reason I can't comprehend my mother decided to give me $2000 to backpack around Europe for 3 months. I have my suspicions that she wants me to keep an eye on my insane younger brother but she hasn't voiced her concerns that he might get arrested and languish away in a German jail. I know this is something she worries about, because she worries about everything. Nonetheless I am thrilled for this opportunity to explore the world, something which would have taken me 56.888832 years to save up the money for.
Nothing from mom is without a price but I can't turn down the chance to travel for half a year before I launch myself into a well-meaning and exciting career as a paramedic, in which I will make no money and probably permanently injure myself by lifting obese people 4 times my size.
So for better of worse I have quit my job, rented my room and left my boyfriend to "have an adventure".
I'm on a budget of $20 a day, which is about 15 euros, little more than my mom's budget when she backpacked here in the 70s. It's very possible that i will run out of money and end up selling myself on the streets of some far away city in a country where I don't speak the language. Oh well, at least I have someone to take care of my fish.

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